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Plyr - HTML5 media player

Plyr is a simple, accessible and customizable HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo media player,
a plugin (addon) for Page Builder with 22+ admin options

Video Player

Default Video player, with “absolute” URL for MP4, Poster and Captions files.
“Closed Captions”, “Tooltips” are enabled, and “Autoplay” is disabled.
With relative URL path for Poster and Captions files,
and “minimal” CSS class. “Tooltips” and “Autoplay” are disabled.

Audio Player

Default Audio player, with “absolute” URL for MP3 file.
“Tooltips” are enabled and “Autoplay” is disabled.
With relative URL path for MP3 file, and “minimal” CSS class.
“Tooltips” and “Autoplay” are disabled.

YouTube and Vimeo player

Youtube player, with default skin (styling).
“Tooltips” are enabled and “Autoplay” is disabled.
Vimeo player with “minimal” CSS class for styling.
“Tooltips” and “Autoplay” are disabled.